Había una vez un pescador que vivía con su mujer en una choza, a la orilla del mar. El pescador iba todos los días a echar su anzuelo, y le echaba y le echaba sin cesar.
Estaba un día sentado junto a su caña en la ribera, con la vista dirigida hacia su límpida agua, cuando de repente vio hundirse el anzuelo y bajar hasta lo más profundo y al sacarle tenía en la punta un barbo muy grande, el cual le dijo: -Te suplico que no me quites la vida; no soy un barbo verdadero, soy un príncipe encantado; ¿de qué te serviría matarme si no puedo serte de mucho regalo? Échame al agua y déjame nadar.
-Ciertamente, le dijo el pescador, no tenías necesidad de hablar tanto, pues no haré tampoco otra cosa que dejar nadar a sus anchas a un barbo que sabe hablar.
Le echó al agua y el barbo se sumergió en el fondo, dejando tras sí una larga huella de sangre.
El pescador se fue a la choza con su mujer: -Marido mío, le dijo, ¿no has cogido hoy nada?
-No, contestó el marido; he cogido un barbo que me ha dicho ser un príncipe encantado y le he dejado nadar lo mismo que antes.
-¿No le has pedido nada para ti? -replicó la mujer.
-No, repuso el marido; ¿y qué había de pedirle?
-¡Ah! -respondió la mujer; es tan triste, es tan triste vivir siempre en una choza tan sucia e infecta como esta; hubieras debido pedirle una casa pequeñita para nosotros; vuelve y llama al barbo, dile que quisiéramos tener una casa pequeñita, pues nos la dará de seguro.
-¡Ah! -dijo el marido, ¿y por qué he de volver?
-¿No le has cogido, continuó la mujer, y dejado nadar como antes? Pues lo harás; ve corriendo.
El marido no hacía mucho caso; sin embargo, fue a la orilla del mar, y cuando llegó allí, la vio toda amarilla y toda verde, se acercó al agua y dijo:
Tararira ondino, tararira ondino,
hermoso pescado, pequeño vecino,
mi pobre Isabel grita y se enfurece,
es preciso darla lo que se merece.
El barbo avanzó hacia él y le dijo: -¿Qué quieres?
-¡Ah! -repuso el hombre, hace poco que te he cogido; mi mujer sostiene que hubiera debido pedirte algo. No está contenta con vivir en una choza de juncos, quisiera mejor una casa de madera.
-Puedes volver, le dijo el barbo, pues ya la tiene.
Volvió el marido y su mujer no estaba ya en la choza, pero en su lugar había una casa pequeña, y su mujer estaba a la puerta sentada en un banco. Le cogió de la mano y le dijo: -Entra y mira: esto es mucho mejor.
Entraron los dos y hallaron dentro de la casa una bonita sala y una alcoba donde estaba su lecho, un comedor y una cocina con su espetera de cobre y estaño muy reluciente, y todos los demás utensilios completos. Detrás había un patio pequeño con gallinas y patos, y un canastillo con legumbres y frutas. -¿Ves, le dijo la mujer, qué bonito es esto?
-Sí, la dijo el marido; si vivimos siempre aquí, seremos muy felices.
-Veremos lo que nos conviene, replicó la mujer.
Después comieron y se acostaron.
Continuaron así durante ocho o quince días, pero al fin dijo la mujer: -¡Escucha, marido mío: esta casa es demasiado estrecha, y el patio y el huerto son tan pequeños!... El barbo hubiera debido en realidad darnos una casa mucho más grande. Yo quisiera vivir en un palacio de piedra; ve a buscar al barbo; es preciso que nos dé un palacio.
-¡Ah!, mujer, replicó el marido, esta casa es en realidad muy buena; ¿de qué nos serviría vivir en un palacio?
-Ve, dijo la mujer, el barbo puede muy bien hacerlo.
-No, mujer, replicó el marido, el barbo acaba de darnos esta casa, no quiero volver, temería importunarle.
-Ve, insistió la mujer, puede hacerlo y lo hará con mucho gusto; ve, te digo.
El marido sentía en el alma dar este paso, y no tenía mucha prisa, pues se decía: -No me parece bien, -pero obedeció sin embargo.
Cuando llegó cerca del mar, el agua tenía un color de violeta y azul oscuro, pareciendo próxima a hincharse; no estaba verde y amarilla como la vez primera; sin embargo, reinaba la más completa calma. El pescador se acercó y dijo:
Tararira ondino, tararira ondino,
hermoso pescado, pequeño vecino,
mi pobre Isabel grita y se enfurece,
es preciso darla lo que se merece.
-¿Qué quiere tu mujer? -dijo el barbo.
-¡Ah! -contestó el marido medio turbado, quiere habitar un palacio grande de piedra.
-Vete, replicó el barbo, la encontrarás a la puerta.
Marchó el marido, creyendo volver a su morada; pero cuando se acercaba a ella, vio en su lugar un gran palacio de piedra. Su mujer, que se hallaba en lo alto de las gradas, iba a entrar dentro; le cogió de la mano y le dijo: -Entra conmigo. -La siguió. Tenía el palacio un inmenso vestíbulo, cuyas paredes eran de mármol; numerosos criados abrían las puertas con grande estrépito delante de sí; las paredes resplandecían con los dorados y estaban cubiertas de hermosas colgaduras; las sillas y las mesas de las habitaciones eran de oro; veíanse suspendidas de los techos millares de arañas de cristal, y había alfombras en todas las salas y piezas; las mesas estaban cargadas de los vinos y manjares más exquisitos, hasta el punto que parecía iban a romperse bajo su peso. Detrás del palacio había un patio muy grande, con establos para las vacas y caballerizas para los caballos y magníficos coches; había además un grande y hermoso jardín, adornado de las flores más hermosas y de árboles frutales, y por último, un parque de lo menos una legua de largo, donde se veían ciervos, gamos, liebres y todo cuanto se pudiera apetecer.
-¿No es muy hermoso todo esto? -dijo la mujer.
-¡Oh!, ¡sí! -repuso el marido; quedémonos aquí y viviremos muy contentos.
-Ya reflexionaremos, dijo la mujer, durmamos primero; y nuestras gentes se acostaron.
A la mañana siguiente despertó la mujer siendo ya muy de día y vio desde su cama la hermosa campiña que se ofrecía a su vista; el marido se estiró al despertarse; diole ella con el codo y le dijo:
-Marido mío, levántate y mira por la ventana; ¿ves?, ¿no podíamos llegar a ser reyes de todo este país? Corre a buscar al barbo y seremos reyes.
-¡Ah!, mujer, repuso el marido, y por qué hemos de ser reyes, yo no tengo ganas de serlo.
-Pues si tú no quieres ser rey, replicó la mujer, yo quiero ser reina. Ve a buscar al barbo, yo quiero ser reina.
-¡Ah!, mujer, insistió el marido; ¿para qué quieres ser reina? Yo no quiero decirle eso.
-¿Y por qué no? -dijo la mujer; ve al instante; es preciso que yo sea reina.
El marido fue, pero estaba muy apesadumbrado de que su mujer quisiese ser reina. No me parece bien, no me parece bien en realidad, pensaba para sí. No quiero ir; y fue sin embargo.
Cuando se acercó al mar, estaba de un color gris, el agua subía a borbotones desde el fondo a la superficie y tenía un olor fétido; se adelantó y dijo:
Tararira ondino, tararira ondino,
hermoso pescado, pequeño vecino,
mi pobre Isabel grita y se enfurece;
es preciso darla lo que se merece.
-¿Y qué quiere tu mujer? -dijo el barbo.
-¡Ah! -contestó el marido; quiere ser reina.
-Vuelve, que ya lo es, replicó el barbo.
Partió el marido, y cuando se acercaba al palacio, vio que se había hecho mucho mayor y tenía una torre muy alta decorada con magníficos adornos. A la puerta había guardias de centinela y una multitud de soldados con trompetas y timbales. Cuando entró en el edificio vio por todas partes mármol del más puro, enriquecido con oro, tapices de terciopelo y grandes cofres de oro macizo. Le abrieron las puertas de la sala: toda la corte se hallaba reunida y su mujer estaba sentada en un elevado trono de oro y de diamantes; llevaba en la cabeza una gran corona de oro, tenía en la mano un cetro de oro puro enriquecido de piedras preciosas, y a su lado estaban colocadas en una doble fila seis jóvenes, cuyas estaturas eran tales, que cada una la llevaba la cabeza a la otra. Se adelantó y dijo:
-¡Ah, mujer!, ¿ya eres reina?
-Sí, le contestó, ya soy reina.
Se colocó delante de ella y la miró, y en cuanto la hubo contemplado por un instante, dijo:
-¡Ah, mujer!, ¡qué bueno es que seas reina! Ahora no tendrás ya nada que desear.
-De ningún modo, marido mío, le contestó muy agitada; hace mucho tiempo que soy reina, quiero ser mucho más. Ve a buscar al barbo y dile que ya soy reina, pero que necesito ser emperatriz.
-¡Ah, mujer! -replicó el marido, yo sé que no puede hacerte emperatriz y no me atrevo a decirle eso.
-¡Yo soy reina, dijo la mujer, y tú eres mi marido! Ve, si ha podido hacernos reyes, también podrá hacernos emperadores. Ve, te digo.
Tuvo que marchar; pero al alejarse se hallaba turbado y se decía a sí mismo: No me parece bien. ¿Emperador? Es pedir demasiado y el barbo se cansará.
Pensando esto vio que el agua estaba negra y hervía a borbotones, la espuma subía a la superficie y el viento la levantaba soplando con violencia, se estremeció, pero se acercó y dijo:
Tararira ondino, tararira ondino,
hermoso pescado, pequeño vecino,
mi pobre Isabel grita y se enfurece,
es preciso darla lo que se merece.
-¿Y qué quiere? -dijo el barbo.
-¡Ah, barbo! -le contestó; mi mujer quiere llegar a ser emperatriz.
-Vuelve, dijo el barbo; lo es desde este instante.
Volvió el marido, y cuando estuvo de regreso, todo el palacio era de mármol pulimentado, enriquecido con estatuas de alabastro y adornado con oro. Delante de la puerta había muchas legiones de soldados, que tocaban trompetas, timbales y tambores; en el interior del palacio los barones y los condes y los duques iban y venían en calidad de simples criados, y le abrían las puertas, que eran de oro macizo. En cuanto entró, vio a su mujer sentada en un trono de oro de una sola pieza y de más de mil pies de alto, llevaba una enorme corona de oro de cinco codos, guarnecida de brillantes y carbunclos; en una mano tenía el cetro y en la otra el globo imperial; a un lado estaban sus guardias en dos filas, más pequeños unos que otros; además había gigantes enormes de cien pies de altos y pequeños enanos que no eran mayores que el dedo pulgar.
Delante de ella había de pie una multitud de príncipes y de duques: el marido avanzó por en medio de ellos, y la dijo:
-Mujer, ya eres emperatriz.
-Sí, le contestó, ya soy emperatriz.
Entonces se puso delante de ella y comenzó a mirarla y le parecía que veía al sol. En cuanto la hubo contemplado así un momento:
-¡Ah, mujer, la dijo, qué buena cosa es ser emperatriz!
Pero permanecía tiesa, muy tiesa y no decía palabra.
Al fin exclamó el marido:
-¡Mujer, ya estarás contenta, ya eres emperatriz! ¿Qué más puedes desear?
-Veamos, contestó la mujer.
Fueron enseguida a acostarse, pero ella no estaba contenta; la ambición la impedía dormir y pensaba siempre en ser todavía más.
El marido durmió profundamente; había andado todo el día, pero la mujer no pudo descansar un momento; se volvía de un lado a otro durante toda la noche, pensando siempre en ser todavía más; y no encontrando nada por qué decidirse. Sin embargo, comenzó a amanecer, y cuando percibió la aurora, se incorporó un poco y miró hacia la luz, y al ver entrar por su ventana los rayos del sol...
-¡Ah! -pensó; ¿por qué no he de poder mandar salir al Sol y a la Luna? Marido mío, dijo empujándole con el codo, ¡despiértate, ve a buscar al barbo; quiero ser semejante a Dios!
El marido estaba dormido todavía, pero se asustó de tal manera, que se cayó de la cama. Creyendo que había oído mal, se frotó los ojos y preguntó:
-¡Ah, mujer! ¿Qué dices?
-Marido mío, si no puedo mandar salir al Sol y a la Luna, y si es preciso que los vea salir sin orden mía, no podré descansar y no tendré una hora de tranquilidad, pues estaré siempre pensando en que no los puedo mandar salir.
Y al decir esto le miró con un ceño tan horrible, que sintió bañarse todo su cuerpo de un sudor frío.
-Ve al instante, quiero ser semejante a Dios.
-¡Ah, mujer! -dijo el marido arrojándose a sus pies; el barbo no puede hacer eso; ha podido muy bien hacerte reina y emperatriz, pero, te lo suplico, conténtate con ser emperatriz.
Entonces echó a llorar; sus cabellos volaron en desorden alrededor de su cabeza, despedazó su cinturón y dio a su marido un puntapié gritando:
-No puedo, no quiero contentarme con esto; marcha al instante.
El marido se vistió rápidamente y echó a correr, como un insensato.
Pero la tempestad se había desencadenado y rugía furiosa; las casas y los árboles se movían; pedazos de roca rodaban por el mar, y el cielo estaba negro como la pez; tronaba, relampagueaba y el mar levantaba olas negras tan altas como campanarios y montañas, y todas llevaban en su cima una corona blanca de espuma. Púsose a gritar, pues apenas podía oírse él mismo sus propias palabras:
Tararira ondino, tararira ondino,
hermoso pescado, pequeño vecino,
mi pobre Isabel grita y se enfurece,
es preciso darla lo que se merece.
-¿Qué quieres tú, amigo? -dijo el barbo.
-¡Ah, contestó, quiere ser semejante a Dios!
-Vuelve y la encontrarás en la choza.
Y a estas horas viven allí todavía.
There was once a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a hovel by the sea-shore, and the fisherman went out every day with his hook and line to catch fish, and he angled and angled.
One day he was sitting with his rod and looking into the clear water, and he sat and sat.
At last down went the line to the bottom of the water, and when he drew it up he found a great flounder on the hook. And the flounder said to him, "Fisherman, listen to me; let me go, I am not a real fish but an enchanted prince. What good shall I be to you if you land me? I shall not taste well; so put me back into the water again, and let me swim away."
"Well," said the fisherman, "no need of so many words about the matter, as you can speak I had much rather let you swim away."
Then he put him back into the clear water, and the flounder sank to the bottom, leaving a long streak of blood behind him. Then the fisherman got up and went home to his wife in their hovel.
"Well, husband," said the wife, "have you caught nothing to-day?"
"No," said the man "that is, I did catch a flounder, but as he said he was an enchanted prince, I let him go again."
"Then, did you wish for nothing?"said the wife.
"No," said the man; "what should I wish for?"
"Oh dear!" said the wife; "and it is so dreadful always to live in this evil-smelling hovel j you might as well have wished for a little cottage; go again and call him; tell him we want a little cottage, I daresay he will give it us; go, and be quick."
And when he went back, the sea was green and yellow, and not nearly so clear. So he stood and said,
"O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
Then the flounder came swimming up, and said,
"Now then, what does she want?"
"Oh," said the man, "you know when I caught you my wife says I ought to have wished for something. She does not want to live any longer in the hovel, and would rather have a cottage.
"Go home with you," said the flounder, "she has it already."
So the man went home, and found, instead of the hovel, a little cottage, and his wife was sitting on a bench before the door. And she took him by the hand, and said to him,
"Come in and see if this is not a great improvement."
So they went in, and there was a little house-place and a beautiful little bedroom, a kitchen and larder, with all sorts of furniture, and iron and brass ware of the very best. And at the back was a little yard with fowls and ducks, and a little garden full of green vegetables and fruit.
"Look," said the wife, "is not that nice?"
"Yes," said the man, "if this can only last we shall be very well contented."
"We will see about that," said the wife. And after a meal they went to bed.
So all went well for a week or fortnight, when the wife said,
"Look here, husband, the cottage is really too confined, and the yard and garden are so small; I think the flounder had better get us a larger house; I should like very much to live in a large stone castle; so go to your fish and he will send us a castle."
"0 my dear wife," said the man, "the cottage is good enough; what do we want a castle for?"
"We want one," said the wife; "go along with you; the flounder can give us one."
"Now, wife," said the man, "the flounder gave us the cottage; I do not like to go to him again, he may be angry."
"Go along," said the wife, "he might just as well give us it as not; do as I say!"
The man felt very reluctant and unwilling; and he said to himself,
"It is not the right thing to do;" nevertheless he went.
So when he came to the seaside, the water was purple and dark blue and grey and thick, and not green and yellow as before. And he stood and said,
"O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
"Now then, what does she want?"said the flounder.
"Oh," said the man, half frightened, "she wants to live in a large stone castle."
"Go home with you, she is already standing before the door," said the flounder.
Then the man went home, as he supposed, but when he got there, there stood in the place of the cottage a great castle of stone, and his wife was standing on the steps, about to go in; so she took him by the hand, and said,
"Let us enter."
With that he went in with her, and in the castle was a great hall with a marble- pavement, and there were a great many servants, who led them through large doors, and the passages were decked with tapestry, and the rooms with golden chairs and tables, and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling; and all the rooms had carpets. And the tables were covered with eatables and the best wine for any one who wanted them. And at the back of the house was a great stable-yard for horses and cattle, and carriages of the finest; besides, there was a splendid large garden, with the most beautiful flowers and fine fruit trees, and a pleasance full half a mile long, with deer and oxen and sheep, and everything that heart could wish for.
"There! "said the wife, "is not this beautiful?"
"Oh yes," said the man, "if it will only last we can live in this fine castle and be very well contented."
"We will see about that," said the wife, "in the meanwhile we will sleep upon it." With that they went to bed.
The next morning the wife was awake first, just at the break of day, and she looked out and saw from her bed the beautiful country lying all round. The man took no notice of it, so she poked him in the side with her elbow, and said,
"Husband, get up and just look out of the window. Look, just think if we could be king over all this country . Just go to your fish and tell him we should like to be king."
"Now, wife," said the man, "what should we be kings for? I don't want to be king."
"Well," said the wife, "if you don't want to be king, I will be king."
"Now, wife," said the man, "what do you want to be king for? I could not ask him such a thing."
"Why not?" said the wife, "you must go directly all the same; I must be king."
So the man went, very much put out that his wife should want to be king.
"It is not the right thing to do-not at all the right thing," thought the man. He did not at all want to go, and yet he went all the same.
And when he came to the sea the water was quite dark grey, and rushed far inland, and had an ill smell. And he stood and said,
'' O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
"Now then, what does she want?" said the fish. "Oh dear!"said the man, "she wants to be king."
"Go home with you, she is so already," said the fish.
So the man went back, and as he came to the palace he saw it was very much larger, and had great towers and splendid gateways; the herald stood before the door, and a number of soldiers with kettle-drums and trumpets.
And when he came inside everything was of marble and gold, and there were many curtains with great golden tassels. Then he went through the doors of the saloon to where the great throne-room was, and there was his wife sitting upon a throne of gold and diamonds, and she had a great golden crown on, and the sceptre in her hand was of pure gold and jewels, and on each side stood six pages in a row, each one a head shorter than the other. So the man went up to her and said,
"Well, wife, so now you are king!"
"Yes," said the wife, "now I am king."
So then he stood and looked at her, and when he had gazed at her for some time he said,
"Well, wife, this is fine for you to be king! now there is nothing more to wish for."
"O husband!" said the wife, seeming quite restless, "I am tired of this already. Go to your fish and tell him that now I am king I must be emperor."
"Now, wife," said the man, "what do you want to be emperor for?"
"Husband," said she, "go and tell the fish I want to be emperor.!'
"Oh dear!" said the man, "he could not do it-I cannot ask him such a thing. There is but one emperor at a time; the fish can't possibly make any one emperor-indeed he can't."
"Now, look here," said the wife, "I am king, and you are only my husband, so will you go at once? Go along! for if he was able to make me king he is able to make me emperor; and I will and must be emperor, so go along!"
So he was obliged to go; and as he went he felt very uncomfortable about it, and he thought to himself,
"It is not at all the right thing to do; to want to be emperor is really going too far; the flounder will soon be beginning to get tired of this."
With that he came to the sea, and the water was quite black and thick, and the foam flew, and the wind blew, and the man was terrified. But he stood and said,
"O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
"What is it now?" said the fish.
"Oh dear! "said the man, "my wife wants to be emperor."
"Go home with you," said the fish, "she is emperor already."
So the man went home, and found the castle adorned with polished marble and alabaster figures, and golden gates. The troops were being marshalled before the door, and they were blowing trumpets and beating drums and cymbals; and when he entered he saw barons and earls and dukes waiting about like servants; and the doors were of bright gold. And he saw his wife sitting upon a throne made of one entire piece of gold, and it was about two miles high; and she had a great golden crown on, which was about three yards high, set with brilliants and carbuncles; and in one hand she held the sceptre, and in the other the globe; and on both sides of her stood pages in two rows, all arranged according to their size, from the most enormous giant of two miles high to the tiniest dwarf of the size of my little finger; and before her stood earls and dukes in crowds. So the man went up to her and said,
"Well, wife, so now you are emperor."
"Yes," said she, "now I am emperor."
Then he went and sat down and had a good look at her, and then he said,
"Well now, wife, there is nothing left to be, now you are emperor."
"What are you talking about, husband?" said she; "I am emperor, and next I will be pope! so go and tell the fish so."
"Oh dear!" said the man, "what is it that you don't want? You can never become pope; there is but one pope in Christendom, and the fish can't possibly do it."
"Husband," said she, "no more words about it; I must and will be pope; so go along to the fish."
"Now, wife," said the man, "how can I ask him such a thing? it is too bad-it is asking a little too much; and, besides, he could not do it."
"What rubbish!" said the wife; '' if he could make me emperor he can make me pope. Go along and ask him; I am emperor, and you are only my husband, so go you must."
So he went, feeling very frightened, and he shivered and shook, and his knees trembled; and there arose a great wind, and the clouds flew by, and it grew very dark, and the sea rose mountains high, and the ships were tossed about, and the sky was partly blue in the middle, but at the sides very dark and red, as in a great tempest. And he felt very desponding, and stood trembling and said,
"O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
"Well, what now?" said the fish.
"Oh dear!" said the man, "she wants to be pope."
"Go home with you, she is pope already," said the fish.
So he went home, and he found himself before a great church, with palaces all round. He had to make his way through a crowd of people; and when he got inside he found the place lighted up with thousands and thousands of lights; and his wife was clothed in a golden garment, and sat upon a very high throne, and had three golden crowns on, all in the greatest priestly pomp; and on both sides of her there stood two rows of lights of all sizes-from the size of the longest tower to the smallest rushlight, and all the emperors and kings were kneeling before her and kissing her foot.
"Well, wife," said the man, and sat and stared at her, "so you are pope."
"Yes," said she, "now I am pope!"
And he went on gazing at her till he felt dazzled, as if he were sitting in the sun. And after a little time he said,
"Well, now, wife, what is there left to be, now you are pope?"
And she sat up very stiff and straight, and said nothing.
And he said again, "Well, wife, I hope you are contented at last with being pope; you can be nothing more."
"We will see about that," said the wife. With that they both went to bed; but she was as far as ever from being contented, and she could not get to sleep for thinking of what she should like to be next.
The husband, however, slept as fast as a top after his busy day; but the wife tossed and turned from side to side the whole night through, thinking all the while what she could be next, but nothing would occur to her; and when she saw the red dawn she slipped off the bed, and sat before the window to see the sun rise, and as it came up she said,
"Ah, I have it! what if I should make the sun and moon to rise-husband!"she cried, and stuck her elbow in his ribs, "wake up, and go to your fish, and tell him T want power over the sun and moon."
The man was so fast asleep that when he started up he fell out of bed. Then he shook himself together, and opened his eyes and said,
"Oh,-wife, what did you say?"
"Husband," said she, "if I cannot get the power of making the sun and moon rise when I want them, I shall never have another quiet hour. Go to the fish and tell him so."
"O wife!" said the man, and fell on his knees to her, "the fish can really not do that for you. I grant you he could make you emperor and pope; do be contented with that, I beg of you."
And she became wild with impatience, and screamed out,
"I can wait no longer, go at once!"
And so off he went as well as he could for fright. And a dreadful storm arose, so that he could hardly keep his feet; and the houses and trees were blown down, and the mountains trembled, and rocks fell in the sea; the sky was quite black, and it thundered and lightened; and the waves, crowned with foam, ran mountains high. So he cried out, without being able to hear his own words,
"O man, O man!-if man you be, Or flounder, flounder, in the sea- Such a tiresome wife I've got, For she wants what I do not."
"Well, what now?" said the flounder.
"Oh dear!" said the man, "she wants to order about the sun and moon."
"Go home with you!"said the flounder, "you will find her in the old hovel."
And there they are sitting to this very day.